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Inoue Santa,(born 1968 in Paris, France) is a Japanese manga artist and entrepreneur.

His most notable manga was the Tokyo Tribe series of which the manga installment Tokyo Tribe2 (also known as Tokyo Tribes) ran from 1997 to 2005, and was made into an anime series as well as a live-action film.

 His manga series have been influenced by hip hop culture, with some of the characters being modeled after rappers. He owns a clothing and accessories business called Santastic!, and has done artwork on several music album covers.


As of 2018, he currently lives in Los Angeles, California.

​ His new manga series "Zange" started in 2021 Spring on "Young champion".

井上 三太  

Santa Inoue

スクリーンショット 2020-12-19 午後6.16.06.png


日本漫画家ファッションブランド"SANTASTIC!WEAR"のデザイナー、SANTASTIC! C.E.O。




1993年にJICC出版局より出版された『TOKYO TRIBE』から始まるTTシリーズは自身のライフワークになっており、現在も世界観のつながった新作を描いている。




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